Today I took things at a different pace, slow! Katie and I decided since tomorrow we start our rotations we were going to sleep in, refresh our memory on guidelines of disease states we might encounter, and just relax. That is exactly what I did. I slept till 9ish, then read over old notes till 12ish, ate lunch, then decided to walk around my neighborhood.
My first stop was the post office, where I stood for a good 30 minutes in the que so I could mail Rebekah Harrelson the traveling journal that our high school friends pass around every two weeks. I also put a little treat in there for her. J Then I headed to Sainsbury’s, which is a local grocery store. Man it is so interesting to grocery shop in another country. I spent a long time just looking at the different items they had and some of the same items we have back in the states. Since most foods here don’t have preservatives, you have to grocery shop more often because the food will go bad. With that in mind, I bought stuff to make a salad, some chicken, cheese, hummus, and some pita bread. That should last me a couple of days. Oh and how could I forget I bought some nail polish, obviously the best purchase!
After taking my new purchases back to the Daniel House, I set out for Hyde Park. Normally I am really good at directions, but for some reason here it is harder for me to get my bearings. I guess it is the fact that people drive on the wrong side of the road and that I use the tube so often that walking around is tougher. So I ended up walking in the wrong direction for a while, making a big square, then eventually making it to the park.
It was a semi-beautiful day with moments of warm sun and then moments of chilly clouds. I first sat on a hill and soaked up some sun as I listened to a sermon from North Point Community Church in Atlanta. Pastor Andy Stanley spoke on 1 Corinthians 13 in relation to relationships. Even though most of his sermon was based on romantic relationships, I couldn’t help but think about it in all relationships. If you look at verses 4-6, it talks of different attributes one should try to uphold in relationships. As you read it you realize NO ONE has all of these. It is impossible, but that goodness for a savior who can help us and love us even when we fail. Andy Stanley challenged everyone to put this list of attributes into practice in their daily lives. So with the help of a loving God, I am going to actively put this list to memory and try to implement them…patience, kindness, not envying or boasting, not being arrogant or rude, not insisting on things to go my way, not being resentful or irritable, and not rejoicing at wrong doings, but rather yet in truth.
I stayed at the park for a good 2 hours or so before heading back to the Daniel House. I made a delish salad and pita and drank a cup of tea. Now I am chillaxin in the room with Katie. We will probably go to bed in the next few hours so we can get our rest before our first day at the hospital. Tomorrow’s blog should be jammed packed, get pumped!!!