Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last Day...

My last day in London.  Once again the city was crying A LOT because it was on and off pouring down rain.  I know London, I have been the best addition to you in a long time…but my work here is done.  Time to go home.  Ahhh I can’t believe I just typed that.  I am real sad but at the same time so excited!!!

Well to celebrate my last day I first went to Piccadilly Circus after getting a large coffee.  I went tourist souvenir store hopping for about an hour.  Then I went to Reagent Street to pop in a few stores.  So as I was in one store, Mango, I went to the dressing room and saw that I had spilt coffee all down my white shirt.  I can’t believe no one told me.  I walked around for an hour or two with coffee down me! Hahaha!!

After I shopped around and tried to stay out of the rain I headed over to Bourgh Market.  You know the food market that has so many different ethnicities of food.  Well while I was there I got the best veggie burger EVER.  Brilliant!!!  Then I got some goats milk ice cream even though I was freezing from being in the rain all morning.  It was my last day so I had too!

After wandering around the market I headed towards Trafalgar Square to meet up with Katie, Stacey, and Whitney (the other Samford girls).  We were all supposed to meet at one, but things came up so the three of them did not show up until 3:30.  I spent that 2.5 hours in a coffee shop/book store.  I even made friends with a guy from Holland and a girl from Canada. 

Now you are probably wondering why we were meeting at Trafalgar?  This is where the Harry Potter World Premier Red Carpet event was happening. Man was it packed!!! People had been camping out for the last 6 days.  So obviously we could not get really close, but I found a way to get a few good pictures.  So the National Gallery (museum) is right here and they had to keep a walk way clear for people to come and go.  Being the brilliant one I am (I know I am so humble, right!? Just kidding) we would get our camera s out and as we walked up the steps we would turn around and take quick picture.  We did this a couple of times. Haha! But it worked!!! Here look at the pictures!

 This poster made my day.  How funny!!! haha!

 This is where the cast actually watched the movie in Leicester Square.  

People were EVERY WHERE!!!

After stalking Harry and his friends we ran a few errands for Stacey, then went to Katie and I’s favorite restaurant to celebrate a grand 6 weeks.  NANDO’s!!!! It was Katie, Whitney, Stacey, Emma, Megan, and I who all went.  It was delish and the perfect last supper!  Then Katie, Emma and I went to a pub so I could get my last cider.  The States just don’t have the same selection which is a major bummer.  Then Katie and I took our last tube ride back to our B&B.  Now we are packing.  I hate packing and obviously I am procrastinating because I am typing this.  Good Katy.  Well I have to go pack before we have to leave our B&B at 6:30 am! Yikes that is gonna hurt!!! Cheers Yall and tomorrow I will be in AMERICA!!!

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