Sunday, October 9, 2011

Let's go hiking!

October 9th

What a fun day! We got up sort of early to have a day of adventures.  The plan was to go hiking with our new friends, Cheryl (a nurse) and Jon (a PT student).  Unfortunately Cheryl had to stay at work longer than planned last night, so she was exhausted and decided not to join in on the fun.  So the four of us headed out to Glacier National Park, which is about 30 minutes from Browning.

Once in the park we slowly started making our way up to Logan’s Pass and I say slowly because we made lots of stops to take pictures.  It is sooooo beautiful out here!  Also in the past week snow has fallen on the mountains so it so neat to see this winter wonderland.  Our friend Jon would say it is wicked awesome.  He is from Massachusetts and has a whole different lingo than we do…wicked cool, right?!

When we got up to Logan’s Pass and parked our car the temperature had drastically dropped.  It went from about 47 to 31 degrees…yikes!  Also the visibility was poor since the clouds were pretty low or maybe because we were pretty high up.  Who knows?  Anyways, as we started it looked as if we were walking into the North Pole. 

The hike was gorgeous, especially as the clouds began to clear.  At one point I got real nervous when we saw bear tracks in the snow and then some scant (bear poo).  We are pretty sure that had been from a few days ago so we kept on trekking along.  About 4 or 5 miles in we stopped and ate lunch atop of this deeply snow covered mountain.  It was so beautiful up there looking down into the valleys.  Since the snow was about 6inches deep, it was pretty fun walking down.  I slipped a few times, but all I could do was laugh and wish I had a sled.  It would have been awesome to slide down!!  When we got back down we decided to head back to the trail head. So off we went.

When we got back to the truck we decided to go drive along this neat road called the Looking Glass road that takes you through the mountains towards East Glacier.  Once again, b-e-a-utiful!!  After our drive we headed over to Two Medicine Grill to grab dinner since we were all starved from the hike.  I got a Cajun Buffalo Cheeseburger and it was rather tasty!

After dinner we headed back to Browning.  We did make one stop along the road to take some pictures of the teepees, duh.  Now we are back at the trailer hanging out after getting cleaned up from our fun day in the mountains.  Tomorrow we plan to tackle a different trail :) Oh and tomorrow it will just be the three of us so Cheryl came over to give us Bear Awareness 101.  Wish us luck!!

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