Monday, October 10, 2011

Climbing Divide

October 10th

Happy Columbus Day from Browning, Montana!  This is a huge holiday out here on the reservation.  Man these Indians sure go all out to celebrate Columbus sailing the ocean blue in 1492.  Ok, I lie.  If we weren’t working for the government, I would not even have remembered that is was Columbus Day.  Yes that is one nice thing about working for the government, you get random holidays off.  Hip Hip Hoooray!!

To celebrate the three of us in the trailer slept in.  Whoop whoop!! Then I made scrambled eggs and toast for everyone.  Yumm!!  Afterwards we all chilled for a bit.  Around 2pm we decided it was time to go exploring.  We all bundled up and headed out to climb Divide, one of the mountains in GNP (Glacier National Park).
Our climb was awesome!! Pretty much the trail is straight up, so you are really climbing versus hiking.  Also it was covered in snow which added some excitement.  Linds and I were pumped to climb us this puppy, but Brit wasn’t so much.  About half way up Brit decided to stop and hang out on one of the rocks while we kept going up.  Towards the top I went one way and Linds went the opposite.  Linds kept exploring and went along the ridge while I just chilled and took lots of pictures…

The way down was the best part, well for me at least.  I decided it would be way more fun to slide down rather than walk.  Brittny did too, so down we went.  It was sooooo mucccch funnnnn!  However, my bum is still numb ha!

Now we are back in the trailer warming up and Brittny is cooking dinner.  Just another day in the big sky country :)

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