Saturday, October 8, 2011


October 7th
Today I have mixed feelings.  Work was super long and exhausting, but then we had a blast at a pow-wow…
So at work it was like the world was against me.  As I walk in Harold says “Katy you get me narcotic all day long! Also I want you to stay an hour late to do the paper work.” (in a Northern Canadian-ish accent)  Ok that sounds great (me pumping myself up and staying positive).  Then at lunch they ran out of the meals when I went to get mine.  Oh really, that’s great (sarcasm).  However, the lady felt bad and found something to make me a sandwich.  PTL because I was starving from counting narcotics all morning.  Ok, so overall the day wasn’t bad, just super tiring.

After work I ate my grilled cheese, compliments of the hospital and then quickly changed before we headed out.  Our new friend John from Massachusetts who is a PT student at the hospital came and picked us up to go to an Indian Pow-Wow.  It was a-ma-zing!!! Basically Indians have dance competitions/pageants where they dress up to the T in crazy Indian garb. It is beautiful. 

When we walked in they were just warming up, so everyone from all of the categories was hopping around in a circle as men beat on a drum and belt out singing/screaming.  The dancing is similar to doing the see-walk mixed with two-stepping.  So fun!

We stayed and watched the entire nights competition.  (it goes on all weekend)  There were so many different dances…fancy, traditional, chicken, eagle, and a few others.  We also made friends with this sweet Native named Annie.  She sat and explained what was going on and the significance of it all.  It has so much tradition and meanings that I can’t even begin to tell you about or really even understand.  Just know you want to see this if you ever get the chance.

Also while we were at the pow-wow Lindsay and I each bought a pair of elk teeth earrings that are pretty sweet.  Get ready to check out my new native style… just kidding.  Oh and we also tried one of their snacks called Frybread which is exactly what it sounds like…bread fried. 

So snap shot of the day…work = blah… pow-wow = awesome!!!

Later! (Indians never say good-bye because that would mean forever)

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