Monday, October 31, 2011

Just Dance...

October 27th
Happy Thursday!  Work was same ole, same ole.  Just another day making IVs, counseling, and saving lives…ha!

After work we were invited to go over to Ronnell’s house.  Her mom wanted to cook for us and for us to come hang out with their family.  Her family is wonderful and full of so much joy.  When we walked in everyone welcomed us…it has both pairs of her grandparents, her two brothers, her sister, her cousin, and her mom.

Her mom had cooked a delicious dinner of chicken, cranberry sauce, rice, stuffing, and cake.  We were pumped for a home cooked meal!!  Then after dinner we got the full tour of the house.  THEN we danced the night away on their Wii Just Dance.  It was hilarious because of us were dancing – Me, Lindsay, Brittny, Shandelle, Jaime, Ronnell, Grandma Annie, and all her siblings (including her lil bro Preston that we renamed Uncle Leroy ha!).  Ronnell took lots of pictures and videos, so when I get a hold of them I will post them.

After a long time of dancing we played Taboo.  IT WAS HILARIOUS.  I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard.  I mean when you have a game like that you are bound to have funny comments made along with some people who just can’t give good descriptions, which makes for a side-splitting time.  Oh goodness things that I will always remember from this game will be the word Carrot (its round), what horses do --- Giddy Up!, and another name for lady bugs is woman bug.  Hahaha!!

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